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Deluxe international phímexonline Explore the filmography of Karen Lancaume on Rotten Tomatoes Karen Lancaume. Highest Rated: 22% Baise-moi () BAISE-MOI, (aka RAPE ME), Karen Bach, Explore the filmography of Karen Lancaume on Rotten Tomatoes Karen Lancaume. Highest Rated: 22% Baise-moi () BAISE-MOI, (aka RAPE ME), Karen Bach, Baise-moi, Not rated yet! Baise-moi Karen Lancaume committed suicide at age thirty-two. Hang in there Karen, wherever you are, I'm. She appeared in over 83 pornographic films between and She starred as Nadine in the film, Baise-moi, a mainstream film in which she performed. Japanese movie poster for Baise-moi () Ver:A - Virginie Despentes. Starring Raffaela Anderson, Karen Lancaume, Celine Beugnot.

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